
Mmass effect
Mmass effect

mmass effect mmass effect

Shepard's association with Cerberus strains their relationship with both the Alliance and their previous allies, so they turn to the seedier side of the galaxy for a new team to face the Collectors. After a two-year Time Skip covered by the opening credits, it takes up in 2185 where the militant/terrorist human group called Cerberus has rescued Shepard and tasked them to investigate the Collectors, who have been abducting entire human colonies for reasons that are unclear but believed to be related to the coming Reaper invasion. In the prologue, Shepard and their crew are brutally attacked by the enigmatic alien species, the Collectors. Mass Effect 2 was released for the Xbox 360 and PC in January 2010, and for PlayStation 3 in January 2011.They are aided by a diverse band of companions, as well as by the technology left behind by the Protheans. interesting 3rd-person-shooter-cum-RPG battle engine. Shepard is set loose in a Wide-Open Sandbox galaxy with plenty of nooks and crannies to explore, in an. Shepard's first mission is to track down a rogue Spectre, Saren, and unravel his connection to the mysterious Reapers, ancient beings that are only known as the ones who wiped out the Protheans 50,000 years ago.


Shepard, and the beginning of that character's journey to become the first human Spectre, an elite soldier given full support of the Citadel races to operate carte blanche in their interest. Taking place in 2183, it introduces the main character, System Alliance officer Lt.Cmdr. The PlayStation 3 version was released in late 2012 as part of the Mass Effect Trilogy, and as a standalone digital download for the Play Station Network. Mass Effect was released for the Xbox 360 in November 2007 and PC in May/June 2008.There have been four main titles in the series:

Mmass effect